Multi-Genre Teen Movie Series at the library
Time: 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Place: Keene Public Library, 60 Winter St., Keene, NH
Price: Free
Place: Keene Public Library, 60 Winter St., Keene, NH
Price: Free
Ages: Older crowd/rated PG
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Come learn about different styles of film! In this afternoon's film selection, Indiana Jones and his feisty ex-flame Marion Ravenwood dodge booby-traps, fight Nazis and stare down snakes in their incredible worldwide quest for the mystical Ark of the Covenant.
Rated: PG
Vanishing of the Bees
Time: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Place: Harris Center, Babbitt Room, 83 Kings Highway, Hancock, NH (20.89 from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: Older crowd
Buzz over to the Harris Center for a viewing of this award winning documentary, followed by a delicious honey tasting event - highlighting local honey from members of the Monadnock Beekeepers Association. The film explores the possible contributing factors to Colony Collapse Disorder, and the ways in which scientists and beekeepers are striving to help the honeybee survive. After the film, we’ll celebrate our local bees and beekeepers by enjoying honey and other goodies made with honey. You’ll have a chance to talk with Monadnock area beekeepers, and find out how bees are doing in this part of New Hampshire. 7 p.m. in the Harris Center Babbitt Room. Cosponsored with the Monadnock Beekeepers Association.
Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Land
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main St., Brattleboro, VT (18.45 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
Tom Wessels is an ecologist and founding director of the master’s degree program in Conservation Biology at Antioch University New England. This program is based on Tom’s book, “Reading the Forested Landscape, A Natural History of New England”. It introduces people to approaches used to interpret a forest’s history while wandering through it. Using evidence such as the shapes of trees, scars on their trunks, the pattern of decay in stumps, the construction of stone walls, and the lay of the land, it is possible to unravel complex stories etched into our forested landscape. His books include: Reading the Forested Landscape, The Granite Landscape, Untamed Vermont, The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future, and Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to reading the Forested Landscape.
Co-sponsored with the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society.
4th Annual Lego Contest
Time: 5:00 PM
Place: Museum and Art Center, 10 Vernon St., Brattleboro, VT (about 18 miles from Keene)
Price: See below
Ages: All
This event is generously sponsored by G.S. Precision, Inc. and Don Robinson Builder, Inc.
LEGO fans of all ages are invited to take part in BMAC’s Fourth Annual LEGO Contest for All Ages. Design and build an original LEGO structure, or simply come view the contest entries on display at BMAC October 28-30. Prizes for artistry, originality, and architectural design will be awarded in several age groups at an Awards Ceremony on October 28 at 5 p.m.
Admission to the October 28 Awards Ceremony is $4 for adults and teens, $3 for children ages 6-12, and free for children 5 and under. Admission to the museum while LEGO entries are on display is $6 adults, $4 seniors, $3 students, free for BMAC members and children 5 and under.
Contact:Teta Hilsdon — (802) 257-0124 ext. 101
Hamlet Play
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Claremont Opera House, Clarmeont, NH (46 miles from Keene)
Price: $6 youth under 12/$15 regular
Ages: All
Celebrating 10 years of the BEST youth theatre in Sullivan County
The Playground will bring this re-worked tragedy to the Claremont Opera House on Halloween weekend! The Performer's Playground is known for their experimental staging of literary classic, making them more accessible to the masses. And this reworking of Hamlet will be no different. Follow a troupe of misguided actors as they break into an abandoned theatre to produce their version of Hamlet. As the show begins, so does the madness... for they are not alone! Will they make it out alive or will the tragedy take them all?
Halloween DJ Public Skate Night
Time: 9:00 PM-10:45 PM
Place: Collins Moylan Arena, Greenfield, MA
Price: $6/$4 skate rentals
Ages: All
Halloween Glow-in-the-Dark Lights Out Event! FMC Ice Sports will be getting spooky with live-ice side DJs, Halloween candy, costumes and more at the Collins/Moylan Arena, and you're invited! Want to share the event with your friends? RSVP on Facebook (click here) and let everyone in on this spooktacular event! Come in costume but please, no masks or dangling material below the knees.
What's special about today?Statue of Liberty dedicated
National chocolate day
Vanishing of the Bees
Time: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Place: Harris Center, Babbitt Room, 83 Kings Highway, Hancock, NH (20.89 from Keene)

Ages: Older crowd
Buzz over to the Harris Center for a viewing of this award winning documentary, followed by a delicious honey tasting event - highlighting local honey from members of the Monadnock Beekeepers Association. The film explores the possible contributing factors to Colony Collapse Disorder, and the ways in which scientists and beekeepers are striving to help the honeybee survive. After the film, we’ll celebrate our local bees and beekeepers by enjoying honey and other goodies made with honey. You’ll have a chance to talk with Monadnock area beekeepers, and find out how bees are doing in this part of New Hampshire. 7 p.m. in the Harris Center Babbitt Room. Cosponsored with the Monadnock Beekeepers Association.
Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Land
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main St., Brattleboro, VT (18.45 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
Tom Wessels is an ecologist and founding director of the master’s degree program in Conservation Biology at Antioch University New England. This program is based on Tom’s book, “Reading the Forested Landscape, A Natural History of New England”. It introduces people to approaches used to interpret a forest’s history while wandering through it. Using evidence such as the shapes of trees, scars on their trunks, the pattern of decay in stumps, the construction of stone walls, and the lay of the land, it is possible to unravel complex stories etched into our forested landscape. His books include: Reading the Forested Landscape, The Granite Landscape, Untamed Vermont, The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future, and Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to reading the Forested Landscape.
Co-sponsored with the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society.
4th Annual Lego Contest
Time: 5:00 PM
Place: Museum and Art Center, 10 Vernon St., Brattleboro, VT (about 18 miles from Keene)
Price: See below
Ages: All
This event is generously sponsored by G.S. Precision, Inc. and Don Robinson Builder, Inc.
LEGO fans of all ages are invited to take part in BMAC’s Fourth Annual LEGO Contest for All Ages. Design and build an original LEGO structure, or simply come view the contest entries on display at BMAC October 28-30. Prizes for artistry, originality, and architectural design will be awarded in several age groups at an Awards Ceremony on October 28 at 5 p.m.
Admission to the October 28 Awards Ceremony is $4 for adults and teens, $3 for children ages 6-12, and free for children 5 and under. Admission to the museum while LEGO entries are on display is $6 adults, $4 seniors, $3 students, free for BMAC members and children 5 and under.
Hamlet Play
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Claremont Opera House, Clarmeont, NH (46 miles from Keene)
Price: $6 youth under 12/$15 regular
Ages: All
Celebrating 10 years of the BEST youth theatre in Sullivan County
The Playground will bring this re-worked tragedy to the Claremont Opera House on Halloween weekend! The Performer's Playground is known for their experimental staging of literary classic, making them more accessible to the masses. And this reworking of Hamlet will be no different. Follow a troupe of misguided actors as they break into an abandoned theatre to produce their version of Hamlet. As the show begins, so does the madness... for they are not alone! Will they make it out alive or will the tragedy take them all?
Halloween DJ Public Skate Night
Time: 9:00 PM-10:45 PM
Place: Collins Moylan Arena, Greenfield, MA
Price: $6/$4 skate rentals
Ages: All
Halloween Glow-in-the-Dark Lights Out Event! FMC Ice Sports will be getting spooky with live-ice side DJs, Halloween candy, costumes and more at the Collins/Moylan Arena, and you're invited! Want to share the event with your friends? RSVP on Facebook (click here) and let everyone in on this spooktacular event! Come in costume but please, no masks or dangling material below the knees.
What's special about today?
National chocolate day
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