Gingerbread Holiday Shop
Registration is required as this program is limited to 10 families. Please call Colleen Swider in the Youth Department for registration. 352-0157 or register here.
2-3 Mile Hike with the Harris Center
Time: 12:30 PM-4:30 PM
Place: Meet at Hillsborough Country Store to carpool to Silver Mountain, Lempster, NH (about 26 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: Older crowd
Moderately strenuous, 2 to 3 mile round-trip hike with a 500 foot elevation gain. Early season snow cover and critter tracks are a good possibility. Meet leaders Ben Haubrich and Geoff Jones at 12:30 p.m. at the Country Store at the junction of Routes 9 and 31 North in Hillsborough, for the 15 mile carpool to the trail head. (Possible optional detour to the Silver Mountain Winery in Lempster). Cosponsored with the NH Forest Society (SPNHF).
Holiday Shopping Extravaganza
Time: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Place: Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue, 14 W. Swanzey, ,NH (about 4 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
This event will include displays by Mary Kay, Tastefully Simple, Healing Beads, Silpada Jewelry, Fabric Art, Discovery Toys, Rain Dog Treats, Pampered Chef, Hand made items, a bake sale and More! This is a great opportunity for children to shop for their parents and also for parents to find gifts for everyone on their list. A portion of the proceeds from all vendors will donated to help the greyhounds. For more information contact: Terri Malloy 603-355-1556
2-3 Mile Hike with the Harris Center
Time: 12:30 PM-4:30 PM
Place: Meet at Hillsborough Country Store to carpool to Silver Mountain, Lempster, NH (about 26 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: Older crowd
Moderately strenuous, 2 to 3 mile round-trip hike with a 500 foot elevation gain. Early season snow cover and critter tracks are a good possibility. Meet leaders Ben Haubrich and Geoff Jones at 12:30 p.m. at the Country Store at the junction of Routes 9 and 31 North in Hillsborough, for the 15 mile carpool to the trail head. (Possible optional detour to the Silver Mountain Winery in Lempster). Cosponsored with the NH Forest Society (SPNHF).
Holiday Shopping Extravaganza
Time: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Place: Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue, 14 W. Swanzey, ,NH (about 4 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
This event will include displays by Mary Kay, Tastefully Simple, Healing Beads, Silpada Jewelry, Fabric Art, Discovery Toys, Rain Dog Treats, Pampered Chef, Hand made items, a bake sale and More! This is a great opportunity for children to shop for their parents and also for parents to find gifts for everyone on their list. A portion of the proceeds from all vendors will donated to help the greyhounds. For more information contact: Terri Malloy 603-355-1556
Family Film Night
Price: Free
Ages: All
Ages: All
Holiday Party
Time: 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Place: Rockingham Free Public Library, Bellows Falls, VT (about 22 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
On Saturday, December 10 from 3-5 pm the Rockingham Free Public Library's Board of Trustees and the Friends of the Library invite the community to celebrate the 2011 Holiday Season with an Open House at the Library.There will be music, refreshments, raffle drawings, and everyone is welcome!
Recycled Wrapping Paper
Time: 12:30 PM-4:30 PM
Place: Art & Soul, 75 Main St., Northfield, MA (about 20 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: 12+
Carve a potato for printing and use it to make your own recycled wrapping paper. Or, use old calendars to make arty envelopes. Other green wrapping techniques will be shared at "Art and Soul", a groovy gift store chock-full of great kids toys and locally made crafts, cards and other creative and beautiful presents. Trolley and horse rides, delicious snacks, musical performances and more all scattered throughout the town of Northfield round out this Special Day.
Holiday Angels Workshop
Time: 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Place: Sharon Art Center, Peterborough, NH (about 19 miles from Keene)
Price: Contact for more info
Ages: 6-12
Create a special handmade angel, using clay, paper mache and paint. A perfectly spirited workshop for children to celebrate the holidays.
Call for info or to register, (603) 924-7256.
Children's Holiday Bazaar
Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Northfield Public Library, Northfield, MA (about 20 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
This is our annual event where children shop for holiday gifts for their families. All gifts are just 50ยข. Gift wrapping included. Coffee and cookies for the grownups. (Donations now being accepted)
Orchard School Craft Fair
Time: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM
Place: Walpole Town Hall, Walpole, NH (about 17 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
Come and be part of The Orchard's School traditional crafts fair and cafe event for its third year at The Walpole Town Hall, Walpole, NH.
7th Annual Cookie Tour
Time: 11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Place: See website below
Price: $10 per person
Ages: All
Kick off the holiday season by participating in the 7th annual Currier & Ives Cookie tour. It will be running from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 10. There are currently 17 stops that will bring you to Fitzwilliam, Jaffrey, Rindge, Troy, Marlborough, Peterborough, and Swanzey. Tickets are $10.00 per person, and good for all locations. The ticket includes a homemade cookie and refreshment at each stop, as well as recipe cards for the treats offered. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity. Get out and visit our local businesses to see how they decorate for Christmas and also what they have to offer throughout the year. Go to the website for more information.
Book Signing
Time: 10:00 AM-Noon
Place: Historical Society of Cheshire County, 246 Main St., Keene, NH
Price: Free
Ages: All
HSCC will host a Book Signing of Brad Blodget's new book Marium Foster's Boston and Maine Railroad in HSCC's Exhibit Hall from 10:00 a.m. to noon. For further information, please contact HSCC by email or at 352-1895.
Winter Celebration at Indian Museum
Time: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Place: Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum, Warner, NH (about 49 miles from Keene)
Price: $5 per person
Ages: All
Crafts, games, drumming, singing, exceptional storytelling with hot cider and cookies all day long. See more.
Holly Jolly Gingerbread Craft
Time: 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Place: Brooks Memorial Library, Meeting Room, Brattleboro, VT (about 19 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
Come make a graham cracker gingerbread house and a gingerbread person ornament. Registration required. Call the children's room at 254-5290 x110
What's special about today?
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., received the Nobel Peace Prize, 1964 Emily Dickenson's birthday, 1830
Melvil Dewey's birthday, 1851
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