Great Books meets every other Thursday evening, September through June. This year's selections come from The 7 Deadly Sins Sampler. One copy of the collection will be available for checkout.
Tonight's discussion will be Xu Xi's 'Famine.' This selection can be read in The O. Henry Prize Stories 2006 available for checkout from the Keene Public Library.
Using a method of collaborative, question-driven discussion,
members enjoy the opportunity to reflect on their own lives and
convictions in light of ideas from major thinkers. Participants are
directed by “non-expert” lay leaders.
If you would like to know more about the Great Books Reading and Discussion Programs in general, please visit their web site at To find out more about our local discussion group, please call the library at 603-357-0157 or group leader Ardis Osborn at 603-352-2198. The group heartily welcomes new people to the discussion group, and will be glad to answer any questions you have about it.
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: Mariposa Museum, Peterborough, NH (about 19 miles from Keene)
Price: $5
Ages: Older
For the final program in the series, on May 10th at 2pm, Mariposa's Director, David Blair will present Living Language. David, who is fluent in several languages has said, Language is a window into other cultures and ways of being and this is one reason it fascinates me. In his interactive presentation he will introduce the audience to the sounds and writing of Russian, Japanese and Chinese through problem solving and other fun activities. Refreshments will be served. Admission is $5, members free.
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Hancock Town Library, Hancock, NH (about 22 miles from Keene)
Price: Free
Ages: All
Fishtraks recording artists, Two Old Friends are back by popular demand. Mac McHale and Emery Hutchins, original founders of Northeast Winds, are once again delighting audiences young and old with music from Ireland, the mountains, and the sea. With banjo, guitar, mandolin, concertina, bodran, octave mandolin, and heart-warming vocal harmonies, Two Old Friends tell a story in music of how immigrants came to this country from Ireland, Scotland, and Great Britain, bringing their melodies and instruments; and they show how the old time country ballads of the Appalachians are rooted in these tunes. A Two Old Friends performance will give you plaintive ballads and foot-stomping shout tunes; soaring mandolin solos, gospel sing-alongs, and story-telling. There is something for everyone. Free and open to all thanks to a grant from the NH Humanities Council which nurtures the joy of learning and inspired community engagement by bringing life-enhancing ideas from the humanities to the people of New Hampshire. Don’t miss this one!

Place: The Colonial Theatre, 95 Main St., Keene, NH
Price: $12 youth (18 & under)/$17 general
Ages: All
MoCo Arts joins forces with a local cartoonist and composer to premiere Beauty & The Geek. This original musical is based on a summer series of PreTeena daily comic strips in which the main characters find themselves thrown together at a country farm in rural New Hampshire. Enjoy a locally-grown show that is fun for the family!
Tickets/Registration required
$12 Youth (18 & under), Seniors (65+); $17 General Public
What's special about today?
Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British, 1775Fred Astaire's birthday, 1899
Clean your room day
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